Outnumbered & Abroad: Stratford-Upon-Avon (Part 16)
We made it to a adorable bunkbed filled youth hostel and headed to the birthplace (and burial place) of William Shakespeare - just for Randi, our Shakeapearn nerd! But first, we had the best Italian food and hit some poor British Bad Boys who worked for Aston Martin with some American Rizz.
Outnumbered & Abroad; Stonehenge (Part 11)
After our rousing game of polo (part 10), we headed to Stonehenge where we explored like the tourists we were and then laughed about the tourists who were gawking over the local farm animal residents. Then it was off to a classic British pub where the longest running joke from our trip happened - “It’s half.”
Outnumbered & Abroad; The Abbey (Part 7)
After leaving Buckingham Palace, we went to find Westminster Abbey - something that I realized I had no idea what it looked like, what it was, nor what a monk or nun does for a living. It was a cultural experience for sure!
Outnumbered & Abroad: King’s Cross Station & The Globe Theater (Part 5)
As if our days couldn’t become more crowded we hit two clues in one that included the nerdy sides of each part of the siblings: Harry Potter for the Schrock’s and Shakespeare for the Johnson’s - well, mainly Randi! Platform Nine & Three-Quarters and The Globe Theater.
Outnumbered & Abroad: Making it through Customs (Part 3)
A custom’s agent that had a dark sense of humor prophesied misery on our trip, mocked our names, and left us laughing and confused.
Sisters Rodeo 2023 Poster Reveal
2023 Sisters Rodeo Poster unveiling on March 31st!